Benefits and Payroll

The Laboratory's Benefits office and Payroll department play critical roles during an employee's time off work due to disability -- for both occupational and non-occupational disability.


The Benefits department can provide information about your disability benefits. For non-occupational disability, contact Benefits to initiate disability benefit applications. For occupationally-caused absence, you must contact Benefits to determine if you want to supplement workers compensation disability payments while off work.
The Benefits department is in Building 543; 1-925-422-9955. Visit the Benefits website for more information.


Payroll coordinates salary with disability pay when employees are able to work part-time. It's important to keep in close contact with the Payroll department to coordinate salary with various disability benefits. It's especially important you notify payroll when you go off work on disability and when you return, so you don't experience underpayments or overpayments. Payroll is in Building 543; 1-925-424-4444.

Payroll has spreadsheets on their website which describe the roles and responsibilities of all the parties involved during disability – for both occupational and non-occupational disability.